a green tree frog emerging through a green leaf.

Calling All Fintech Founders: Apply Now!

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We’re on a mission to help entrepreneurs build the world’s best fintech companies! If you’re an early-stage fintech founder looking for a true partner who will offer professional guidance, industry insights, and financial backing, apply to join us

Since we launched in late 2018, Restive companies have raised over $500m in follow-on capital and grown to create over $2b in enterprise value while serving millions of consumers and tens of thousands of enterprise and SMB customers. 

Twice a year, we open up our investment process to any fintech startup. We want to hear what you’re building, why they’re building it, and what it means for the future of financial services. Among those applicants, we select a handful of companies to receive both financial investment and access to a 6-month program focused on accelerating growth and efficiently connecting early-stage founders to leaders in tech and the broader financial services industry, regulators, and other venture capital investors.

Who should apply?

We’re looking for pre-seed and seed fintech startups building the future of finance; nothing is too early for us and we’re generally sector agnostic. In our experience, founders have far better ideas than investors so we try to be as responsive as possible to where we’re seeing founder energy. 

That said, there are a couple of areas of fintech where we think there is significant additional opportunity for innovation including: tools for managing fraud, better compliance and monitoring solutions, more intuitive dashboards and data tools, B2B payments, fintech infrastructure, industry-specific fintech solutions and, of course, capital efficient and fast growing software businesses! 

Whether or not your business is working in one of these areas, if it could benefit from a better understanding of the fintech ecosystem and more connectivity across industry, you should apply.   

What will I receive?

Our initial check size is typically $250,000 and we usually participate on similar terms as your current investors. If you don’t have investors yet, no problem: we love being first. After we invest, we aspire to be your most engaged and helpful investors and draw on your careers as operators and leaders in fintech to help you quickly build connectivity across industry and rapidly scale. In addition to significant one-on-one support, we’ll host a number of meetings and events during the program to systematically connect you to potential partners, advisors and experts, regulators and other venture investors. Our engagement strategy is designed to continue to support you with significant additional investment throughout the early years of the company. 

When should I apply by?

Applications are open from December 15th to January 23rd and you can fill out the application here

If you're building the future of financial services, apply now! We can’t wait to meet you! 

Ryan Falvey
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
Where founders build the future of financial services.

© 2024 Restive®, Inc.

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