Cameron Peake

I’ve always been motivated to rewire financial services for the greater good - and I’m especially excited to amplify that impact in partnership with a portfolio of companies.

I’ve spent the majority of my career launching, building, and scaling fintech companies and products around the world, and I’ve been particularly driven to make financial services better, cheaper, and easier for new or underserved markets.

I was most recently the Co-Founder & CEO of Azlo
, where we took the idea from just a concept - easy, digital, immediate bank accounts for small business owners - into a company that succeeded at scale. 

One of the most fulfilling things for me
has been to support other founders to get them to market and grow quickly, armed with the knowledge that I wish I had when I started. Whether that is how to effectively build a team, how to anticipate fraud, or how to engage a customer base - I’ve been in the trenches and am passionate about helping founders to launch and build their businesses. 

A big passion of mine is working with founders who want to fundamentally rewire traditional models in financial services.
One of the really incredible opportunities that my time at Azlo granted me was the ability to ‘open the hood’ on what traditional banking is - and reconceptualize how it could be rebuilt. 

One of the most transformative things for me as a founder was the process of becoming a more “authentic” leader.
There’s often a stereotypical idea of what a tech leadership should look like - which doesn’t conform with the majority of founders, and it felt especially inaccessible to me as a female founder. It was only after doing a lot of introspective work that I feel like I put the building blocks in place to really unlock our potential as a company. Doing so created compounding returns as we built a company that could recruit and retain amazing talent, and we created a truly special relationship with our customers that resulted in an engaged community of users. 

—Cameron Peake is an entrepreneurial leader who has launched, built, and scaled fintech companies around the world. She is currently a Partner at Restive, where she identifies and supports early founders to build the world’s best fintech companies. Cameron was previously the CEO and Co-Founder of Azlo, a leading digital banking platform for small businesses in the US. There, she grew the company to support the financial and business needs of small entrepreneurs, and was recognized as one of Fortune Magazine’s 40 under 40 for her work to deliver financial services to businesses impacted by COVID. Cameron also worked at the international development agency Mercy Corps, where she launched mobile money and banking products in countries including Haiti, Indonesia, the Philippines and Zimbabwe. Cameron has a BA from McGill University and an MBA from Wharton.

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